Friday, August 5, 2011

Im bein bulled help please?

They call me a pig. None of the boys look at me. When I was in school today, all the other girls looked so good, with their long hair and pretty faces, skin like angels, and then there was me. Nobody knew my name. They just called me "fat". They didn't say "haha, she's a fat girl!", no no no. They made "fat" my name. People would say "excuse me, Fat, can I borrow a pen?" just like people would say "excuse me, Jack, can I borrow a pen?" it made me so angry. One day I just decided I wasn't going to take this any more. The bully of the school, a pretty girl named Stace, approached me, called me "hippo" and shoved a huge Dairy Milk chocolate bar in my face. I exploded. I shrieked out "I've had enough!" and hit Stace in her jaw as hard as I could. I thought this would be a break from the bullying, but it wasn't. Suddenly, a swarm of about ten boys ran up to me, screaming names like "Gorilla!" and "Elephant!" I just broke down and started to cry. Then the school tough guy, LLoyd, helped Stace up, took one look at me, and slapped me, I wailed out, and then everyone shouted "the whale is calling!" and a boy said "even a whale wouldn't **** that!" I cannot explain how much this harmed me. I ran home. School wasn't over, I just didn't know what to do. At least 5 people chased me, and they caught up with me. They just followed me to my house, screaming abuse at me, while I was crying. Everyone was so heartless. People threw dirt at my house. Just now, I got a text message with two pictures attached, one of me and one of a gorilla, saying "who's who?" as the text. I'm just going to end it all. I am tired of this!!!!! I hate how the media portray skinny girls to be beautiful!!!!!

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