Thursday, August 4, 2011

My dog had a cut under his arm pit and now i think he has an infection do to fever, puking and bleeding out of?

my dog had a cut under his arm pit about a week ago and we have no money. i used peroxide and triple antibiotic otment and solarcaine spry to help him heal. i seen a thick creemy grayish greenish yellow stuff where his cut was but most all that whent a way as i cleened him 3 times a day. he seemed to have gotten better and now 4 days ago he had a fever and has been pucking. he has not eatin no food and he barly drinks any water. today he puks evey time he driks water and now he is bleeding watering blood out of his but. is it to lat for him? did the infection get to his blood streem? i have called 3 vets in 2 towns nearest me, i asked them to let me make a pay ment plan. i asked them if thay would trat him and keep him untill i got payed on the 3ed of july and i would pay the hold bill. they all denied me. is he going to die on me what elce can i do for him i dont want to loose my dog. he is a 5 1/2 month old pit bull can some one help me. this is my last place i can go for help.

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