Friday, August 12, 2011

Ville, can you tell me that which camera will give me better picture? Canon XSI(18-55)...?

Nikon d80!!!!!!!!! Best camera ever! The canon is good but I love the Nikon , the pictures are more vibrant and less grainy !

What is your opinion on gangsters?

taking up for a friend is okay but once you start the real gang **** like murder, shooting up folk houses hitting anybody with a bullet then thats a punk move i think gangs should not exist

Canon Rebel xsi prints look blurry?

Although I'm not a professional AT ALL, I do have a Canon Rebel xsi and am TRYING to learn a bit more about my equipment. When I first got the camera, everything was wonderful. Now, after having it for two years, I feel like something has happened, perhaps I hit some button unknowingly. Anyway, all of my pictures look great on my computer, not blurry AT ALL. However, when I print out anything over a 4x6, the pictures look blurry/degraded in some way. I don't understand. I shoot in the simplest auto settings and I've checked the image quality. I have it set to the highest it can shoot (the little arc with the 'L') with the exception of shooting in RAW. So, why do my images look great on my computer but crappy when printing out? Also, I don't know if anyone knows the answer to this, but I used to be able to shoot continuous in sports mode without getting ANY blurry shots. I felt like a professional; every single shot looked like it could be in SI! However, now, nearly EVERY shot I take (in sports mode) looks blurry, which seems a bit ironic to me.

Can i use an old x324 hanimex flash on my canon rebel xsi?

All Canon dSLR's can only survive a 6v or less trigger voltage. Many older flashes have trigger voltages of around 250v or more, plenty to fry your cameras electronics.

Canon eos rebel xsi 450d exposure level stays at -2?

ok so I just bought a canon eos rebel xsi 450d and im loving it. Everything is working great except the manual mode, everytime i take a pic in that mode it comes out black unless I use flash and the room is already well current settings are 1/125 and F4.5 iso at auto. sorry im still new to this.

How do I use my wireless remote and my speedlite on my Canon XSi when they both require the hot shoe?

I am buying an Adorama Wireless Radio Remote for my Canon XSi and I want to know if it's possible to use it with my speedlite. I would think they both have to use the hot shoe so Im not sure how this would be possible. Will I be unable to use the flash when using the remote? Thanks for any help.

Dying blue over light green hair?

If my hair is light greenish and i dye a royal blue color and a turquoise color over it what color will it most likely turn?

Whats a great canon lens? For portrait and landscape?

If you are building a portrait studio, a move to FX could be worthwhile. Cost is a concern, but not weight. People will pay you to make the kind of big enlargement for which the family photo nut's camera is not adequate. The Canon 5D Mark II looks like a good choice, although there is probably a Mark III model not too far around the corner. For now it could be worthwhile to invest in EF lenses rather than the EF-S lenses that would be great on your current camera but not your next one. The Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro is one that could serve you well now and in the future. While you wait for the 5D Mk III to come out, you can work on investing in your lighting equipment, which is very important to good portraits.

Photographers: why are my landscape portraits too white?

Have you tried the EV balance slider? it adjusts the exposure time. In auto mode it would be done for you, but not in the manual mode.

I think I am depressed?

just listen to your favorite music and do your favorite things. go out with friends and have fun. force yourself to. itll help you remember why you love living. itll help you remember how many people love and care about you.

Will smoking 3 or 4 a week harm me?

Every friday i go out with my mates and we have a few cigs each, basically social smoking, i try not to have anymore any other time but will this harm me?

Greenish stains on between teeth and gum line?

i dont have access to a dentist or cant afford it no money nor insurance cant save up. But yea i have spots around my teeth, between gum and teeth. Any way i can remove them? I brush 2wice a day use (cool mint listerine mouth wash) dont floss. I startd doing this since i saw thhem on my teeth plz help

Camera Questions ((Digital SLR ))?

I would suggest either Nikon or Canon - I have shot with both and they are both excellent brands. I would recommend buying whatever camera body is in your price range, as well as a 50mm f1.8 lens. This lens is the cheapest lens both brands offer, and it is gorgeous for portraits.

Canon rebel EOS XSi ef-18-55is....novice question?

ok i dont know much at all about cameras, but i want a new one to mainly photograph my handmade baby items for my website, and also would love to take beautiful photos of my kids.i only have about $500 to spend. i was looking at this refurbished canon a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a experts what do ya think?

Best DSLR for indoors/low light/outdoors/landscape?

My D5000 is my first camera and I got the kit lens and a telephoto lens with it for around $650. I think it's a great starting camera unless your going to make a living with it. The lenses are very sharp for outdoors. I did have problems with the kit lenses indoors though and bought a 50mm for $130 and problem solved.

Which camera should I get?

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Which one would you recommend me? Tough decision?

Nikon D3100 is a great Digital SLR camera to get. Easy to use with Nikon Guide Mode, versatile, and delivers outstanding pictures, crisp, good color and lighting.

Problems!!! Help Me understand!?

I dont know if it is bad luck, karma or what other term there is, i have been having so many problems. First, I find out i have depression, and anxiety (therapist) and I was only 9 at the time. I hardly want to get up out of my bed and I see really no point in life. I dont remember a time that I was ever happy for more than a few minutes. The day of my graduation, I laughed with my friends and had so much fun, then I chipped my tooth from laughing. First day of middle school I was so excited and energetic, I went to the pool, and I pulled my back muscle, only a year after pulling my stomach muscle.I get a loose tooth every month, and I always have to eat on one side.(i have a lot of dental problems). More situations I couldn't remember...... Fast forward to the end of 6th grade, I was happy and smiling, then I find out my counselor wont be coming back next year, and she was the only person I could talk to. It was only one week since vacation and I WAS relaxed and having fun for a short while. Until a small chip of my tooth came loose and I couldn't eat. Every thing fun has to end in something bad happening for me. My first time on a fun roller coaster, I got extremely nausiated and I almost passed out. On my 10th birthday, my cake got ruined on the way. And, I am only 11 going on 12. I just need help understanding life. For some, they get family members killed, they get illnesses and terrible things occuring. For some they get a much better life. And so many innocent people get killed for no good reason. I think of myself as a nice person. I dont harm, I dont like making people feel bad, and I am the person who does what they are told, and then I am mocked and called a goody-goody. What did I ever do wrong? Or does life just suck like that.

Tongue piercing with retainer?

Wait until you just wear your retainer at night, because you pretty much never have to see the orthodontist again so he doesn't have to know. And it couldn't damage your teeth THAT much because so many people have one. I say go for it.

What will be the effect of California's expiration of tax increases?

If a team of the best scientists in the world got together to figure out an equation to fix California, they'd commit suicide. CA is done with buddy.

How can people love to club so much? ( PS this is not an insult just share your opinion)?

I don't go to clubs just looking to get laid. I go for the music and to dance. Well, and the drinks. And I don't go to raves for the drugs, I go for the amazing techno/trance music. For me it's just all about enjoying the music and having a great time out with friends.

Please help me,am I pregnant? I need an honest opinion! Please read all! Points for best answer?

I'm 18 and last week I missed 4 birth control pills in a row after taking them regularly for about 5 months (Microgynon 30) (from Tuesday 14th June - Friday 17th) cause I lost my box of pills. I started bleeding on Tuesday (dunno if this was a withdrawal bleed or not) and bled quite a bit like my usual withdrawal bleeds (if it was one) till Saturday, where it started to stop. I found the box on Saturday morning and took a pill. I continued to bleed a tiny bit throughout the day That night, I stayed at my boyfriend's, and we messed around naked without condoms. The next morning, we messed around again without condoms and he penetrated me a bit, but didn't *** inside me, he ejaculated on my leg, quite near to my vagina. I then got up and took my next pill. I started to bleed after that and bled for the rest of that day and the next, (it wasn't that much though) but i think it was cause I was fingered really rough and he used 4 fingers, and the blood was red/brown. I was fine on the Monday and Tuesday, but I noticed greenish discharge (which is gone now) on the wednesday and looked up what it could mean and saw sites about pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms and now I have started to notice pregnancy symptoms, like bigger boobs, and veins on my chest, tiredness, constipation etc but I think I might just be imagining it because I never really noticed before and surely you can't get symptoms like these a week after unprotected sex and conception (if i did conceive) :S But I know you can get pregnant from pre-*** though this is pretty unlikely. Anyway, i've started feeling really panicky, and can't stop looking up pregnancy symptoms, and i really don't know if this is in my head or not. (I am a bit OCD and get very paranoid about things) So just to be on the safe side, i took emergency contraception. I did some research, and it is true that you can use certain types of birth control pill as emergency contraception, such as Microgynon, which is what I'm using. You have to take 4 tablets, and then 4 12 hours later within 120 hours of unprotected sex, which is what I did (I did it yesterday). I've been feeling really strange today and worse than before, so is this cause of pregnancy (and the emergency contraception didn't work) or because i took so many pills and/or emergency contraception has worked? And I'm scared I ovulated when I was off the pill :( So am I/was I pregnant? Sorry this is long, but I'm so worried. I'd be so grateful for any help :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Should i get a nikon d3000 or a canon eos rebel xsi ?

The canon eos rebel xsi I believe is a great starting camera, but go with the one that you can get the best price on.

What DSLR do you recommend?

I own a Sony a100 and a Canon Rebel Xsi. I know these camaras are not considered professional dslr's, but I'm saving up for on right now. I already photographed two weddings with each camera and people really liked them, so I imagine if I had a better quality camera I can deliver better shots, and take more wedding photos. I have purchased a lot of equipment for each but I really need to step it up. What camera do you recommend I upgrade to? It doesn't have to be Sony or Canon. I just want something better with for better quality photos, within a reasonable price. Thank you.

Will the elf zit zapper make cuts less red?

I cut myself and since they get sorta red will the elf zit zapper take away the redness cause it says it will for zits sobi was wondering if it will make self harm cuts less red thx? ( also I know cutting is bad I've tried to stop but I started again sobdont tell me to get help or crap like that thx)

How to be less Insecure about myself ?

I am insecure about my body , my scars , my personality ,ect... I stress and stress about my weight I am a 14 year old girl who weighs 110 at 5'7 . I was called too skinny once and that has made me even more insecure I restrict now to one or two meals a day that are small. I feel so fat and I can't eat in front of people becuase I am afraid that they are watching me eat . I am a really shy person so every thing I do feels wrong for some reason . I am mostly insecure about my scars I have Been self harming for about 6 to 5 months and the scars won't go away . I haven't stopped yet but everyone looks at me like I am a psyco having scars help:(

Which is better? xsi or T2i?

i'm looking into both cameras as a photo major, both sound great by description, but what are they like in person? if there are any better, let me know. thanks!

Photography help....?

Im 15 years old and I am an aspiring photographer. Right now I have a canon rebel xsi camera that I bought with my own money, and an 18-200 mm zoom lens. I know it's a great camera and I've had it for around a year, but I feel bored with the pictures I'm taking and I don't feel like I'm getting any better at taking pictures. I don't really have much money to spend on new lenses or cameras, but I don't know how else I can improve my photography. Please help!

Spitting after smoking?

The other day I told my friend off really bad because she was smoking lots and I know it's really bad for you!! And she said "It's ok smoking doesn't harm you if you spit after you take every drag. The toxins from cigarettes go into your lungs and back out when you inhale/exhale. It's what's left and absorbed in your mouth that harms you." She lies a lot so I don't know if it's true I mean once she said she was going to come to the mall with me but told me she was ill but she was really with her boyfriend instead!!! Is this smoking thing true? I've had enough of her lies.


So I'm about to go on a trip to Europe with my best friends. I am going to buy a canon rebel, i wanted to buy the T1i but my best friend already has it and would be pissed if i got the same. I'm thinking of the XTI but is that even a good model? Which canon rebel do you guys think is the best? I'm not looking at the beginner cameras such as XSI and the XS Also is the T1i the only camera that does video?

Canon vs. Nikon ???????

I recently bought the nikon d3100 and it was around 700. I haven't opened it yet because I have started hearing that canons are a better choice for digital especially. I am not that interested in film. Should I return my nikon for the canon xsi!? Help!!

Something is wrong with my computer screen?

My computer screen has had problems before but it's the first time it's ever done this. First for a while my screen would just turn off (go to sleep) for no apparent reason and the only way to get it to come back on was to power cycle it, but it would still cut back off within a few seconds. So I disconnected the VGA cord for a few seconds and plugged it back in, but now my screen has a greenish tint to it. I've looked for a degauss feature on the screen menu, tried to change color balances around and nothing works. HELP PLEASE!!! I don't have enough money to replace the screen and my computer is my only source of income! Any help or information will help

What is the best digital camcorder available for an aspiring film student on a budget?

look at the Canon ZR960. it is not 3 ccd like the XL models, but lots of features for $250, including external mic capability.

I started having a discharge after my penis got hurt, is this normal?

okay so i hoocked up with a friend and we had some rough sex, and the next day i woke up and realized right where the pee whole is, it got torn underneight and then it started to hurt when i pee, that is what i expected but then i started to have this dicharge. when wearing white spandex it dryed into like a yello greenish color. is this normal for when a penis gets hurt? or is it something more? Everyone i have been hoocked up with were all clean, and we never did anything that would give me an STD

Is there another name for the Canon Rebel XSi? and Rebel XS?

Yes. The Rebel XSi is also known as the EOS 450D in Europe, Australia and NZ. The Rebel XS is also known as the EOS 1000D in Europe, Australia and NZ.

How to GET the blue tint in photos using white balance?

To shift the white balance to blue, you will have to set the white balance to tungsten and shoot outdoors in the sun. That will add about 2,000 degrees K to your white balance. It is the equivalent of adding a 80b filter when shooting daylight film

Will this harm my computer - regsvr32 actxprxy.dll?

It speeds up the IE8... and looks good. But why r u taking risk pc ? Use firefox or opera or chrome(best) instead ... quit IE !!!

Why do my eggs have a yellowish tinted white and greenish yoke?

If it's on the outside shell, great, it's normal for some chickens, but inside bacteria invasion or some coloring agent the bird ate, don't eat them unless you have them checked

Can i use eye drops on a 4 month old baby?

my son has yellow greenish **** coming from his eyes, and his eyes look swollen and pinkish. he's 4 months old and i don't know if I can use eye drop for him.

What's the best eyeshadow for me?

I have really long eyelashes and i have blueish greenish eyes i have dirty blonde hair but i dyed it a lil darker but i need some makeup ideas on wat color eyeshadow blush lip gloss etc:

Do you think it is sometimes better to hide the truth?

In the case of a couple who have been together for 12 years and the wife cheated on her husband once with an old flame. She knows she will never do it again. She asked me for advice and I said it is better to not tell him, all it will do is cause problems and since she has no intention of doing this again I think it would do more harm than good if he knew. They have young children and he is a really nice guy but was not making his wife feel particularly wanted and this other guy flattered her, this is why she did it - she knows its not a good enough excuse but she cannot erase the past. Do you think I gave the right advice?

Cramps & discharge at 23 weeks (TMI)?

Yes you should call her because it sounds like you may have an infection and if that's the case, you could potentially be having contractions. They need to make sure you do not have an infection that could cause problems with your pregnancy. You are still very early so you need to make sure you call them and tell them this.

Canon EOS Rebel XSI vs NikonD3100?

Nikon D3100 is a great camera to get. It is easy to use with Nikon Guide Mode, excellent image quality.

I need advice on the new Canon Rebel I'm buying.?

So I'm going to start getting into photography because I've been interested in it for a long time but I haven't really had enough money to buy a Digital SRL. My grandma said she'd buy me my first camera for my birthday but it has to be around $500, so I'm thinking of getting the Canon Rebel XSi. I'm buying it on amazon so it's a bit cheaper. The price of the camera along with the 18-55mm lens that comes with it came up to almost $500. But I was thinking I'd get just the body and buy a separate 75-300mm lens. Would that make the picture quality better? And will it fit onto my camera? Lol. I don't know how this stuff works. Help! xD

Is my relationship with my best friend a healthy one?

I can tell you this for sure... your friendship with her is not a healthy one! i am not saying that because i am a girl. she has a boyfriend. and she does not need to be having any kind of sex until she is married! but thats just my opinion. but she might love her boyfriend but what you did to her when she kept getting wet and u were just trying to help just mkes the whole friendship thing way more than friends. kind of like being a sex partner. and if her boyfriend found out im sure he would not be happy with what you two did and it will probably not end good for either of you! just know what you did was wrong and move on. ask god for forgiveness. stop sleeping with each other in the same bed at night when she stays with you. it was fine till u two got into all the sexual stuff u did. start over clean and try to be a good friend without all the sleeping with each other, and no more anal or oral sex. your friendship will grow stronger if u do that. and i think u do have feelings for her cause u cnt do any of that and not think bout it or feel anything. and same for her. sorry. good luck!

What color eyeliner makes hazel eyes look greenest?

I have hazelish eyes that go from grey to blue to greenish brown and I have bergundy hair. I want greener eyes to match my hair. What color eyeliner would work best? I have grey,black, brown, sparkly grey and gold, green, blue and purple eyeliners.

Christians: how do you justify a religion that, from its very beginning spawned the crusades?

from the day the book was written, it powered the single largest mass murder in the history of mankind. followers were told staight up that to kill an infadel was not murder, but a path to heaven. sound familiar? the bible teaches us to love our neighbors but says that people that have different beliefs or life choices will go to a place of eternal hell? dont get me wrong, I LOVE GOD, who is the universe and the deeper cosmic identity of myself and all existence, but the bible too obviously teaches intolerance and promotes negative energy towards so called sinners, who many times, are doing no harm to anyone, let alone their own souls. my question is, why promote intolerance? god is EVERYTHING, and LOVE is his vibration always

What are the best telephoto and wide angle lens for the canon rebel xsi?

i want to shoot more nature/scenery/landscape/architectural photos. right now i have the 18-55 mm that came with a kit and a 55-250mm. i can't spend a million bucks either, but i would like great quality. any suggestions?

Have you ever self-harmed in a rage?

There was recently an incident in which my mother was yelling at me and I got so hysterical that I just had to cut. I ran into the bathroom, grabbed the razor, and Immediately began cutting my upper thigh quickly and violently, and as deep as possible. I didn't even press it against my skin and glide it across slowly as I usually do. I just very quickly pushed down and cut quickly. I got about 15-20 cuts out of the incident. My whole upper thigh swelled and I couldn't even walk the next day because of the pain. It's been nearly a month and a half and they are still a deep red color although they have healed over and gotten long past the "scabbing" stage. I am currently a week free of self-harm, but was wondering if anyone else has ever violently cut themselves as I did in a rage?

My whole toe nail is falling off!?!?

So, i noticed my softball cleats were getting small on me. I kept telling myself I would get new ones but before I knew it the season was over. I noticed during the season that toe started hurting and then my big toe nail become bruised. I knew it was because of the shoes. Then it started oozing brown stuff (it looked like blood, sorry don't mean to gross anyone out) After that it turned greenish. It started becoming detached slowly. Today it is almost completely off. I could honestly pull on it and then it would detach completely. However, I know a new one will grow back but still. What will my toe look like? How long will it take to grow back? Also, how should I care for it? It's the summer and i really don't want to walk around toe-less with sandals. Please help me!

Why do they tell pregnant women not to dye their hair?

I have heard lots of different things like it will harm the baby or the hormones will affect the color result. which of these are true?? and dont worry, im probably not gonna dye my hair, I wouldnt do anything that would harm my baby =) oh im 9 weeks btw

Does it sound like I have thrush?

It could be thrush. However, the burning sensation suggests cystitis. So perhaps you should see your doctor to determine exactly which medication you need. A thick white discharge is fairly normal for young girls. If it doesn't smell you are probably OK. However, your doctor will confirm all of the above.

I have a XSI should i upgrade or should I spend that money on a red band lens?

I currently have an XSI but I am considering upgrading to a T3i or a 60D or even Nikon 7000d or would it be better to invest that money on a Red Band Lens (wide angle lens).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tropical Fish Keep Dieing?

You must be feeding them to much and the water must get cloudy. also you must've gave them to much food which made+ them poop a lot. That made the amonia levels high and got the fish killed.

New photographer problems.?

hi so i just bought a rebel xsi and a fairly decent telephoto lens. i am understanding how to work it and what does what and how aperature affects shutter speed and all that stuff. im at that point. i can succesffuly take a good picture without a preset and AF and whatever. BUTT my problems are these... i bought a macro and fisheye. how to use both sucessfuly is a bit beyond me. for me, the macro is intensely close up... and the fisheye does not seem fisheye-esque at all... maybe the products i bought just arent to great, but please if you have any help or suggestions.. especially with the fish eye

What are the TOP 10 accessories for a Canon Rebel XSi?

I am a new photography lover and I dont know what should be the accessories that I should get for my Camera. There are soooo many and I want the experts opinion on the ones that I should get first.

Canon rebel t3 or canon rebel xsi?

so ive been shopping for a camera and i cant decide between these two. ive done a bit of research, but so far, i know close to nothing about cameras. i dont care for video, i want one thats good in all lighting, and very clear abd sharp

Which is better a cannon xsi, nikon d90 or a sony slt-a33?

Nikon. While many Canon fans say that they are more "user friendly" Nikon is known for being more professional. You have to actually learn something to be successful at a Nikon, and thats exactly what i love about the Nikon family. I love the technical side of my artwork and would recommend it to anyone who wants to do it professionally. I personally shoot with a Nikon D200 and would recommend the D300 if you have the money for it. I understand your a student but the D300 is worth the money. Along with that, make sure you have a great lens, because thats extremely important as well. Good luck with your degree. God bless :)

What is the name of this mineral?

Ive had this mineral specimen for a while, and I forgot the name. I know it has some quartz in it but it also has this dark greenish mineral on it. It is thin "sticklike" formations. Please help.

Canon or Nikon for starter DSLR?

Honestly, there are die-hard fans of both Nikon and Canon...but as far as I'm concerned, all beginner DSLRs are pretty much equal. Picture Taker has already given the recommendation of the D3100 rather than the D3000, which I will second, and the T1i is better than the XSi - but beyond that, my best advice is this: Go to a store. Preferably a camera store where someone knows what they're talking about, but really, any Walmart or Best Buy probably has those cameras in stock. Pick them up. Touch them, hold them in your hands, hold them up to your eye, etc. See which is more comfortable. As a beginner, it's highly unlikely that the differences in sensor, sync speeds, etc., will make any difference to go hold them for yourself and go with whatever is most comfortable.

What color will my hair get?

i wanted to dye my hair blue so i bleached it and then added the dye now it's gotten off so i have stayed with like a greenish blonde in my bangs and the rest is ash brown what color will it get if i dye it with loreal hicolor red magenta.i'm still going to do it anyways.

Why some woman self-harm when rejected?

my gf has a habit of self-harm..she is divorced....whenever we have a fight she cuts her hand so much so that she needs to see a it an indication of overwhelming emotion and love for me or something else...? why do more women than men has the habit of self-harm...?

How to get dslr pictures on the computer as i take them?

The software that comes with Canon cameras allows you to do this automatically. Do a google search for "shooting tethered" and you will find tons of tutorials out there specific to your software and camera.

My hair is DAMAGED and i need HELP(:?

So wht i would do is wait till your hair grows about an inch so you can see the color of your roots. Then I would go get it proffecianally dyed dark brown so it would match up to your roots. At a good sallon if the girl knows what shes doing its more expencive and trust me, it wont turn green. ive had blonde hair dyed brown and it turned out great. so sence its still damaged the most dmage it on the ends of your hair so sadly i would get it cut like 2 or 4 grows back dont worry hon....then i saw that u HAVE to use dandruff shampoo so what i would do is keep that shampoo and get a huge salon bottle at like target or something and get catwalk oatmeal and honey conditioner for damaged me it works GREAT, so u can use your dandruff shampoo and leave the oatmeal and honey conditioner for about 5+ minutes. It prolly dosent sound like it but it smells great! it will work. so get hair dyed proffecianally dyed to normal root color and let roots grow, get cut, use good conditioner!!

Has it gone to far already ?

I don't consider what I am doing to be self harm I mean I am hurting myself but not really badly . I take a shaving razor with three blades and I cut my upper vagina area its more like shaving the skin off which means like reall little cuts they bleed for maybe five to ten minutes but that's it . I don't know if I can stop it's become my life already and I have only been doing it for five months .my mom knows that I cut but she doesn't make me stop because they aren't really deep.Will they admit me to the hospital (my doctors) if I don't stop? And are metal hospitals really like that book impulse by ellen Hopkins?

Will A Canon OC-E3 Off Camera Shoe Cord work on a Rebel XSi?

I own a Canon Rebel XSi and a Canon 580 EX II flash but am looking for an off camera shoe cord. I can't afford Pocketwizards at the moment, so I was wondering if the OC-E3 will work on my camera?

The edge of my fingernail has turned slightly green?

and the skin on top of the fingernail the little edge rim thing has turned greenish its not swollen or anything and no pain

Best all around lens for canon under $200?

looking for better lens for canon xsi kit lens sucks but am not working so not much money for a decent lens

A very big questions about chlamydia whats goin on please help!!?

i went to my doctor and they said me and my boyfriend had chlamydia they treated us there at the ER, and give us big white pills and give us 4 of them at the same time i went to my OBG doctor and did another STD. Test and they came back saying i dont have chlamydia no more and im in the clear but i still have green discharge coming out of vaginal what does this mean and by the way the doctors at the ER, give me cpirofloxacin to fill out i did and my boyfriend was on doxycyline but i still have very thick greenish discharge what does this mean

Photography help....?

Im 15 years old and I am an aspiring photographer. Right now I have a canon rebel xsi camera that I bought with my own money, and an 18-200 mm zoom lens. I know it's a great camera and I've had it for around a year, but I feel bored with the pictures I'm taking and I don't feel like I'm getting any better at taking pictures. I don't really have much money to spend on new lenses or cameras, but I don't know how else I can improve my photography. Please help!

When do infants recognize/miss one steady caregiver?

I'm writing a short fictional story set in a historical orphanage. I'm trying to figure out how I should have the orphanage organized (I'm not looking for how they were organized in real life, I'm making up my own for this story). Anyway, I was curious what age the kids would start to realize that there was not one steady caregiver. When would it be important for the people to be steady in their life for long periods. Like a newborn might not notice if they were taken care of by multiple people (I'm not saying they can't recognize, but that it doesn't bother/harm them to have multiple caregivers instead of one steady "mother" figure). What age do you think kids would need a steady person to maintain a sense of stability in their life?

What is your opinion on cosmetic surgery compared to plastic?

Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are about the same. The difference is that one might need plastic surgery for an injury or birth defect. In that situation it wouldn't be considered cosmetic since it's medically necessary.

Canon or Nikon for starter DSLR?

Doesn't really matter. Both Nikon and Canon put out quality cameras. Go to a store like Best Buy and check out what they have, Hold each one in your hand and see if one has a special feel to it. Buy that one...Go home first and see what' available online. Maybe you can find a better price.

My neighbor is trespassing on my balcony. What can I do?

if he trespasses call 911. If he threatens call the cops. Get a gun and if he comes around threatening, self defense.

Red bruises from dancing?

I always get bruises from dance but today I took a really hard dance class that involved more floor work and my knees hurt really bad. Now I'm getting red bruises and it looks a little worrying. I normally get brown or greenish it harmful to get this many bruises or red bruises?

What do i need for my camera to shoot indoors?

I'm a college student, I do photography for people, like weddings, seniors and families, im photographing a wedding in August and its going to be indoors, my camera doesn't do well indoors its a Canon rebel xsi what should i get for my camera for the pictures to look good

What is a safe distance a yorkie terrior can jump without harming there bones?

I convinced my dad to get a dog and were getting a yorkie, but I heard they have frigile bones, so is it safe for them to jump off a bed or do they need help

What medicines can I use for bronchitis?

What OVER THE COUNTER medicines can I use? And how can I be sure this is what I have(without seeing a doctor) ..My reasoning for thinking it IS bronchitis, is because I am an ex-smoker of a couple years.. recently I started smoking like 1 cigarette a day (newports) ..and when I work out at my friends house, I am exposed to second hand smoke (about 2 to 3 times a week) ..i started smoking the cigarettes a few months ago. I started having a weak dry cough which now this evening has turned into a hacking cough and im hackin gup greenish stuff. Pretty sure its bronchitis? what can I buy?

Me and my sister like having sex?

We know it's weird, but we enjoy it and we make sure that we don't make babies. Should we get Professional help even though there's no harm? or is there some sort of subconscious harm that it's doing to us? What do you think?

The Ex wife in events!?

I have a good relationship with my ex and we do things together as well. I do think there has to limit as well. We do have some family events separate. Maybe you should try asking your fiance, What is the limit for family events? This is really a touchy subject when it comes to children. I do also think you need a limitations. Talk to your fiance and try to come to some common ground.

Do you believe in spanking?

this is just a random question that comes to mind. i'm 14 and when i was younger i was spanked quite often. did me no harm.

What would you do in my shoes?? help me out please!?

so basically this whole group of disgusting looking guys came and asked for my number and verbally forced me to give it to them. So i thought there was no harm and gave it to them. But one of them is really desperate and is texting me like every half an hour. I hate desperate guys so I've been ignoring him. What would you do?? :S

How can israel and the USA be allies after what Pollard did ?\?

Jonathan Pollard harmed the USA in the most horrible way . How can americans concider israel as an ally after that ? no other country has EVER spied on the USA .

What XBLA game should I get?

What XBLA arcade game should I get? I already have Lara Croft GoL, Shadow Complex, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Super Meat Boy, Banjo Tooie, Crash Course, Harm's Way, Aegis Wing, Castle Crashers, Splosion Man, Hexic HD and The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom.

Detonation/compression on motorcycles?

Detonation and combustion is the same thing. Every time the piston comes up the cylinder, once it reaches the top, fuel and air are let into the combustion chamber. The spark plug ignites, causing a detonation of the fuel inside that chamber. Forcing the piston back down the cylinder.

Getting a kitten what are good names?

So today I'm getting a kitten it's a boy he is all black with greenish blue eyes he is very playful and super adorable ! I'm trying to think of a good but fun name and have no idea what to name him I want something edges and unique but a bit funny :) anything helps :) thank you

What is the best XBLA game?

What XBLA arcade game should I get? I already have Lara Croft GoL, Shadow Complex, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Super Meat Boy, Banjo Tooie, Crash Course, Harm's Way, and Aegis Wing.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Whose free will is God favoring in this hypothetical situation?

I had a "Christian" teacher who would say that God wanted the innocent baby in heaven, and eventually the murderer will roast in hell, "so it all balances out."

Should I tell him or not?

i'm basically your boyfriend. i mean, i get VERY jealous about that stuff with my girlfriend as well, but it's because i care about her. i love her and she's mine. she sort of gets the same way about that stuff with me, but not as bad. i would want you to tell me if you were my girlfriend, but on the same card, what i don't know doesn't hurt me. and there are a LOT of things like that that I haven't told her, for this same reason. i don't think you should tell him. it will only upset him. but if you did tell him, i feel like it would strengthen his trust in you.

Rate me guys? ;) Giving 5 freakin stars :)?

Um... Wow! You're hot, and you know it. You don't need anyone to tell you you look great, but I guess it's nice to hear. The things that make you attractive aren't the physical, though, it's the rest. and based on just that, you're more than a 10. I'd hang with you anytime.

What are the best lenses and links.. please :)?

just bought a xsi and i was just curious as to what filters are popular/you find appealing. links would be appreciated!! thanks :)

Grade Eight Grad, Hair and makeup?!?

Leave hair down, straightened or curled? You could always then pin it back with a cute bobby pin or a headband. I would leave make up fairly simple. Natural eyeshadow? Then a touch of blush and lip gloss? Just make sure your comfortable and have fun!

Birth control question ?

I am 15 and was recently put on the pill because of my horrible cramps. It has helped some but I still have cramping during my period. My question is that I am going on a mission trip and my white pills (the pill that let's me have a period falls on that week. I am not sexually active so I have no risk of getting pregnant and was wondering if it would casue me any harm to take my white pills a week early or later so I don't have to deal with it overseas. I have looked everywhere online and cannon find an answer. Has anyone had this problem before? Have you taken your pills early or late? Did you feel funny? Is it safe? Any info will be helpful! I also don't want my hormones to be to wacked out either. I tried to call my doctor to ask but I have to make an appointment to even speak to her

Canon rebel xsi error 99 only with flash?

My Camera randomly did this during a concert. the error 99 message popped up when i tried to take a picture in portrait mode. My camera takes photos WITHOUT FLASH just fine. But i can't press the flash button or use auto flash without it making a funny sound and popping up with the error 99 message. Please help

Whats the name of this childrens game?

it has the foundation of a bored game but i don't think it is its SO weird its about space or something there is cards and stuff and mini black lights and hidden messages ,red clay a bunch of stuff its not about astronomy and its not educational its more brain stimulant. one of the things is one person draws an picture then drawn a clue and you have to Guess what it is. it was popular in like late 19Hundreds.there is a slogan character i thing hes greenish blue hes in the shape of a water droplet i think he only has one eye the game is called like mogli or something help

How would you politely approach someone to encourage them to wash their hair?

This woman rarely washes her hair and it's so greasy it looks wet all the time. I haven't been able to find documentation that it is harming her health. It's purely for cosmetic reasons. She just doesn't think it's important. What would you say to encourage her (nicely) that it matters to those around her and she should consider keeping it clean?

O.o Answer please! A re-post?

Well we here are listening to your side of things ,and as it is .. keep walking ! If your not happy ! than you are the one who needs a change

Is it ok to bleach hair after getting it cut?

i am going to bleach my hair but i dont have alot of bleaching stuff. i am getting a haircut tomorrow and what im going to do would allow me to bleach it all. will it harm my hair to do?

Why are my pictures green?

I have a Nikon D80 and it seems like the greens are just way too green, and there is a slight greenish tinge to the rest of the prints. I know its not the printing company, because they show up the same way on my computer. Its been almost a year like this and I really appreciate all of the feedback!

Which is newer Canon Rebel EOS XT or Canon XSi?

I'm in need of a newer camera, but I'm all out of the loop on which is newer . I love to take pictures, mostly portraits, senior pictures, etc. Which is newer Canon Rebel EOS XT or Canon XS? Are there any other cameras you suggest?

Black and white effect on Canon Rebel Xsi?

You set it to monochrome. The owner's manual gives you the steps to do that. Read it. If you don't have the manual, download it from the canon website.

Does creatine have side affects or harm you ? ?

Hi I'm 17 I recently started taking creatine supplements I take 1 scoop after I go gym in 17 and heard a rumour that it has long term side affects should I stop taking it ?? Help please !

Is it bad for a 12 year old drink coffee?

There is no life threatening harm to coffee drinking but... due to your young age too much exposure to caffeine will stunt your growth and you will significantly slow down the speed of how you grow. (i.e.. hright) So maybe get caffeine free of drink less to make sure it does not happen! =D


i am not sure what is worng with you but i would try to go to the doctor asap. something is deff worng with you and the sooner that they find out with the better!

Goldfishes died on first night?

I bought two small goldfishes and had them in a classic round looking bowl, enough space for the two of them, and at 1 when I went to sleep they were perfectly fine, the water was extremely clear and when I woke up at 9 they were dead and the tank was greenish and you could hardly see through it. I know it might be that the water was bad quality, but I used the same water for my last fish and it was fine. So why did they die?

Canon rebel xsi, no battery charger...?

i bought a canon rebel xsi (digital slr) off someone and i realized after there was no battery charger and no cords were with it. i have tried calling this person back but no answer... is it possible to buy a new charger? if so where can i get it? canada ontario

My husband is obsessed with an online game called Galaxy, help?

I am a newly wed, since my husband and I have gotten married, he has taken on a special liking for an online game provided on facebook. I found no harm in it at first until I see him playing it all day and night neglecting his family and household responsibilities.I spoke to him about this and how it has started to bother me because its interfering with our daily lives..It should not consume him to the point that he can't be with me and our newborn son. Its quite weird actually...So I asked that he just take time to play the game Sun-Wed..But leave Thursday-Sat as just time for the family..I understand everyone needs a time to do what they want, but I thought this schedule was reasonable..He has not adhered to my request at all, and he is continously pllaying this game. My husband is 26 years old I just dont get it.Please help me, because I don't know what else it is that I can do because he is giving our moments, to a bunch of users on an online galaxy game..Please be respectful in answering,if you can't help, dont bother. I only want to hear from mature reasonable adults.

When do infants recognize/miss one steady caregiver?

I'm writing a short fictional story set in a historical orphanage. I'm trying to figure out how I should have the orphanage organized (I'm not looking for how they were organized in real life, I'm making up my own for this story). Anyway, I was curious what age the kids would start to realize that there was not one steady caregiver. When would it be important for the people to be steady in their life for long periods. Like a newborn might not notice if they were taken care of by multiple people (I'm not saying they can't recognize, but that it doesn't bother/harm them to have multiple caregivers instead of one steady "mother" figure). What age do you think kids would need a steady person to maintain a sense of stability in their life?

How does my book sound?

if your writing for your own enjoyment, this is fine. you need to work on the dialogue, it doesnt work at all.

How do I look hot to get my ex back?

Well first I need to get my ex to hang out with me and that's super hard bc he's always busy soo I need this master plan to make suree he comes to see me.. Then I need to look amazing wen we finally do hang out... I'd like to hear from some guys too not just girls.. Im NOT a slut so don't even tell me to wear my boobs out of my shirt.. I have a normal to slightly curvy body.. No I'm not fat I'm 110lbs and 4'8".. I have super dark brown hair that's like under my boobs and I'm pretty tan with greenish eyes. Soo I don't know what to wear and what I should so with my hair and stuff.. But first off gimme the plan to meet up with him.

What's the definition of "hazel" eye color?

My girlfriend has blue-green eyes. I saw her driver's license and under eye color it says "hazel". I always thought hazel was supposed to be a greenish brown color. Am I wrong? Just curious.

Are these harming my pea plants?

Weeds take the food away from your peas. If they're large weeds, you might not want to pull them up, because you might pull up the peas also. What we do is, take a pair of cutters and just snip off the weeds close to the ground.

What is the ideal coconut?

Should be heavier than the other cocunuts, makes splashing noise when you shake it, should have a redbrown color (no discolored patches or gray area), and make sure it has three evenly colored "eyes."

Can too much medicine harm hamsters?

hi, four weeks ago my two robo hamsters got mites. we took them to the vets and they gave us some medicine that you dab on their skin/fur. we got told to use it two weeks after then, and four weeks after then (today) and i held them while my mum put it on them, and we left them alone. this was about an hour ago and now their fur is still quite wet and they are rubbing against things trying to get it off them. we don't think we have but if we've put too much medicine on them, would it be bad for them/hurt them?

Printing ,resolution,cropping trouble!?

I use a canon XSI and do family photo shoots mostly and babies.I recently started to send the images off to have printed and noticed that half of them are cropped too there a problem with my resolution? I've only printed sizes from 4x6 - 8-10 and they are all being cut off??? Help Please!!!

Eye color changed when i dyed my hair?

Hazel eyes often change colors when colors around them change. For example, wearing different colors can affect how your eyes appear. The blond color of your hair makes your eyes appear more green than when it was black. If you dye your hair black again, they will change back. It is all how your eye perceives colors in relation to other colors :)

Please help. I don' t know what to do.?

I used to self harm. I have been free of it for 2 months. But anyway, My closest friend has been making alot of emo jokes lately. i.e I slipped and cut my arm on a rock and he something like, If I didn't just see you do that I would think you were emo. And wow, I didn't know you were emo!. It makes me angry every time he does it. He doesn't know that I used to actually do it and I don't want to tell him so what should I do?

Do girls mind forehead veins on guys?

For as long as I can remember I have had these greenish blue veins visible on either one of my temples, the one on the right goes right down to my eye and ends. They are invisible at night but can be seen fairly easily during the day. Im just wondering if this is a major turnoff for girls, I have a relatively attractive face otherwise but I feel these veins are holding me back. So would you girls find a relatively attractive guy unattractive if he had visible veins on his temples?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Self harm no one cares why's it not something people discuss?

Basically A few months a go I cut my arms really badly and some girls at school found out (it wasnt the first time but it was the worst and most noticable), but i didn't know they told anyone. Last night at a sleepover with my mates, i found out they'd told eevryone and my mates had known all along. Why didn't my mates try and help me?! Why's it not something people feel comfortable talking about? and my 'best friend' whos actually a total ***** said 'why would you do that?' but in a really horrid mean voice and no one understands! I havnt done it for a while but knowing something like this is making me want 2 do it again :(

Please help. Canon DSLR ?!?

I'm looking for my second dslr camera. I have a Canon Rebel XSI, but I want a second dslr. I'm not sure if I want to lean away from the rebels. So far I came up with the Canon T2i. I've looked at nikon but I've decided to stick with Canon. The Canon t3i has a flip out screen but there's really no difference bewteen that and the t2i. I've also heard great things about the XS but I have the XSI. I have friends with the T2i.. I won't use the video that much, but it will come in handy. I like the T2i quite a bit, any other suggestions? It should be a canon. I have a really good Canon case, and a fish eye lense and a few others. I'll think about lenses later.. I have $900.00 right now, but I'm willing to wait and save. I've had people tell me the 7D is great but it may be a huge risk or a step up for me... Please help! I'm very torn.

Can this be trichomonasis, herpes, or something else?

For like 2 month now I have been itchy and irritated down there and been having some thick grey and yellow greenish vaginal discharge. Recently I felt a bump down there and it doesn't hurt or anything. Im so freaked that it might have caught herpes from my ex boyfriend but I have an appointment with the gyno next week.


Save your money. All of those cameras are garbage. If you can spend a couple hundered more than what those cost and take photos that look 10320892x better then why settle for less? I shoot with a 60D and i LOVE IT. Eventually i want to upgrade to the 5D MarkII. You can buy a canon 60D for 1000 brand new. Check out some of my pics, all taken with my 60D a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why are people so obsessed with losing weight?

Everyone wants to be attractive. If your face is ugly.. get a buff body.. that's what goes through peoples heads.

I'm not british and certainly not a royalist but why do people love the royal family?

JUst don't see the point of them in any country but I understand back in the day why there was a point for them or at least why they were there. People seem to really respect the royal family but honestly why. I know they don't cause any harm either but whats the point apart from tourism numbers it brings to your country

I need help with my highlights!?

On the weekend I got highlights done on my hair, but because my hair is naturally red, the highlights came out greenish. The colour looks terrible, is there any way apart from redying my hair that I can get rid of the highlights?

Please tell me what this is?

i am 35weeks and 1day today and i went to the bathroom to pee after i got done wiping there was signs of a greenish yellowish long stringy discharge and i dont now what this is can someone please tell me thanks sara

Acholic father , child abuse?

Okay so , I am 17. I live in Maryland. And my father is an acoholic. He has put me and my grandmother through **** over the course of my life. My mother lives in new york for the record. and I dont have a relationship with her. She use to send me cards all the time but he would put "return to sender" and he has custody of me. but Anyway, he still lives here with his mother, (my grandmother) and she has raised me my whole life. He hasn't done anything for me. My father doesn't let me out the house AT ALL. Im always stuck in the house because if i ever leave he threatens to kill my cat. He has threatened to shoot me and my grandmother before and has called us bitches and sluts. Keep this in mind I just recently graduated. and im a good kid. I dont do drugs. my grades are good. and when i turn 18 which is october 13th. i plan to move with my cousins start college and get a full time job.. But I am also concerned bout the safety of my grandmother. Im afraid he might physically harm her when I am gone. This past day i went to the grocery store with my grandmother, and he put me on punishment for 2 months. and then another month for messing up magnets on the fridge. I tried to have a decent convo with him but he just said leave me alone and i dont wanna talk to you. Some incidents were worse and he has punched walls and broken down doors before. Like I said he has lived in this house his whole life. and he has me and my grandmother terrified. he doesn't pay bills but he works. just to buy his beer and cigarettes. Im tired of going through this with him. He never hit me just for the record. but as far as emotional abuse he has done that. he has even made a homemade paddle out of wood and its about a inch long and says "lindseys paddle" I want to get the police involved somehow because im suffering. He doesn't like people coming over here at all. and he has alineated me and my grandmother from the rest of our family and everyone really. I just dont know what to do anymore,, So if you can help please do!! it would mean alot.

I need help trying to find out who was trying to scam me? I only have an email address that he used..?

I met this so called individual online. He said he found me on facebook. I have been searching online on ways to find out where this email was actually coming from and everywhere I turn I have to pay just to find out and turn this person in and perhaps stop him from cosing real harm by scamming someone else. Thank you.. Bobbi

Why am i coughing up green/brown mucus?

OK so I am a smoker, however most of my friends talk about coughing up black chunks and that hasn't happened to me. My best girl friend told me that my smoker cough sounded like hers, and she just found out that she has asthma. neither her or I have ever had any signs of it when we were younger. so my question's is the greenish brownish mucus coming from asthma or from smoking?

Help me decide on a camera?!?

I believe the XSi is the best one, it has a better resolution, takes more frames per second, and is the newest one.For better prices, check on a href="" rel="nofollow"

Where can I get a RC S13 coupe?

Anyone know where I can get an RC S13 coupe, preferably with a Silvia front end? Pretty specific, but there's no harm in trying. Please and Thank you.

Older dog has a lump on her eyeball that is oozing yellow/greenish stuff?

I have an older dog, 18 year old Blue Heeler, and she's had yellow/greenish stuff on and around one of her eyes for a few days. We've been cleaning it off 6/7times a day, but she wouldn't open her eye until today. When we clean it she snaps and bites at us as if it's hurting her, which she has never done before. Once she opened her eye we noticed a large white lump on her eyeball that the yellow/greenish stuff seems to be oozing from. The stuff oozing out seems kind of like pus. Does anyone have suggestions as to what it may be? I know I should probably take her to the vet, but she has other problems like, difficulty getting up, standing and walking, her back legs just don't support her anymore. I'm just afraid of the worst case scenario if I take her to the vet.


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How do I get skateboarding photos to turn out like this?

watch the people practicing a few times, watch where they start off, do the trick, and then land it.. focus it on the area where theyre in the air doing whatever it is they are...lets say a kickflip; try timing where they get the board to flip and when, focus your camera on that spot and when they get there BOOM !! you have an awesome picture...dont expect it the first time though hah.

BV or HIV... Please help?

Your ph could be off and your discharge could vary depending on what you eat. You should go see a doctor and get it answered once and for all. It may be scary (trust me i know!!!) but believe me once you know you will be in sooo much of a better place!

Will a Canon OC-E3 Off Camera Shoe Cord work on a Rebel XSi?

I own a Canon Rebel XSi and a Canon 580 EX II flash but am looking for an off camera shoe cord. I can't afford Pocketwizards at the moment, so I was wondering if the OC-E3 will work on my camera?

Is it safe to give my dog a cranberry suppliment capsule?

I am currently using cranberry capsules for my dogs urinary tract infection. She gest repeated infections and I always start with the cranberry before the vet as oftentimes it will clear it up. My dog is about 18 pounds and I put half a capsule (500 mg, so 250 for breakfast and 250 for supper) in her morning food and half a capsule in her evening food. I also make her food like soup by adding at least a cup of water because you also want to help flush the system. If it does not seem to be working for my dog after 2 days, I bring her to the vet for antibiotics.

Is there a wireless remote compatible with the Canon XS that I can buy in-store and not online?

I have a Canon XS and would like to take some pictures of me with my family. Obviously, I need a wireless remote to do this. I am pretty sure Canon doesnt make one for the XS, only the XSi, although I have seen some that are compatible only available online. Wondering if anyone has purchased one and where I can buy it. I would like to buy in a store so I dont have to wait on shipping, but will buy online as a last resort. Thanks for your help!

Can you still be straight edge, even if you drink very little alcohol from time to time and never get drunk?

I claim edge, but I don't see any harm in taking sips of wine at a party or something. Is that still acceptable?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Will cigarette smoke damage my lens?

Alright, so most of my family smokes, and I take pictures of them. But will the cigarette smoke damage my lenses? Say if they blew smoke into my direction and it touched the lens? I'm just worried about my Sigma fisheye, even though Sigma makes a pretty tough lens. Also, will my DSLR be okay? I use a Canon Rebel XSi, don't wanna ruin my baby. Thanks!

16 year old make up (party tomorrow)!?

For the sweet 16 I'd recommend a dark smokey eye with mascara, no eyeliner. If you don't know how to do a smoky eye just go on YouTube and search smokey eye tutorial. At the beach party and pool party I wouldn't do anything more than use a little liquid (black) eyeliner. I know you don't have any but it's the only makeup that wont get screwed up in water.

Is there possibility that I will have one child with blond hair?

yes ur kids could have blonde hair.. im red and my husband is dark hair and our 2 kids have blonde hair and my baby has dark hair just like her daddy. Its all based off your genes and what was passed on to you from your parents.

What DSLR camera should I invest in?

I plan on taking some photography classes and my dad would "prefer" if I used my own camera. I only have about 1000 dollars to spend, so preferably under that would be good. I'm a huge fan of sh-eye photography too, so I'd probably want to buy a lens. I found a nice ebay package with 7 lenses and a canon EOS XSi for 625, but I'm not sure... Any recommendations?

Whats up with the water in my bettas tank?

so i have 3 male bettas in a 10 gallon tank. and it is divided. now im slighly confused with whats going on with the water. on the left and right hand side the top of the water is clear, but in the middle section it has a greenish film over it.. what is that, and why is it only in the middle section and not in the others

What type of frog/toad is this?

I think you have a tree frog they are white. Look and see if it has suckers on it's feet. If so you have a tree frog.

How should I change my room around?

I want to move my Queen size bed, my dresser, my HUGE desk, my TV, and my nightstand somewhere else in my room. I am a 13 years old. Right now my North and South walls are a purple Lilac color and my east and west walls are a greenish blue teal color. On the north wall I have my dresser there, on my south wall I have my small closet and my night stand because it doesnt fit on the east wall by my bed, and on my west wall I have my window, TV and my HUMONGOUS desk!!! Thanks :)

I want to buy a DSLR but for now my budget is a little tight.?

I'm trying to decide between some of the entry level DSLRs. I need something above point and shoot cameras to capture some moments I've been missing. I've done some research on the Canon XSi, Pentax K-x, and Nikon D3100. I believe those are in the same price range and have some similar characteristics. My decision will be based on shutter speed, good quality with low light, frames per second, built quality, and lens selection. If you have any other suggestions please let me know.

I need a new lens for my canon rebel xsi?

My primary lens is my Canon 28-200. It's fast, sharp and accurate. It's a general single lens solution. I don't need a macro lens (this is not one) so I chose this. About $400 at retail and worth every penny.

What is the best telescoping lens for a family?

I'm not a professional and have a Canon XSi. We want to take photos of our daughters during sports, dance, etc. I've looked at the Canon 75-300 and the Tamron 75-300.

Is it ok to drink concentrated lime juice?

i bought concentrated lime juice the other day and i drunk maybe about 1/4 of a cup, it was strong and everything, but is it ok for me to drink it? or will it harm me? many people say mix it with water, but i drunk it by itself, it has 0 sodium and 0 calories. is it safe to drink it by itself?

Where Can I Get Cool Clothes Im A Young Girl ?

Hot topic!!!! It might scare you though, so I advise if you aren't "scene" or """"""emo"""""" then don't go.. But forever 21 is good(: and Hollister, Delias. Whatever clothes you want to get, go for it!


i think you should try to put her asleep and take her to a doctor. if it doesn't work put her in a asylum

What species is my snail?!?

I recently bought a snail for my 10 gallon aquarium and I love him so far! But I don't know exactly what species he is. He is blue with a greenish blue shell. He was marked as a blue mystery snail, but how can I find out exactly what species he is?

Help, lip product problem?

Yesterday I bought this lipstick looking thing. The brand is "sheenē" I bought it because the casing looked extremely cute. I opened it and it was like a white colored lipstick shaped lip balm: When I put it on, my lips turned a light hot pinkish color. I loved the color. It acted like a lipstain because it absorbed into my lips and stayed on for 5hours. Now I'm trying to get it off but a bit of color is still on my lips. Is this bad? Is it going to harm mylips? And will it ever go off? And was the product I bought lipstick, lipstain, or lipbalm? It seems like it was all 3 ? Thanks :)

Pregnancy and natural marijuana cleanse?

Now before anyone begins to jump down my throat, I just found out I'm pregnant today. It was completely unexpected and unplanned; if I had known or if we had been trying, I definitely would not have been smoking. But I have been smoking marijuana almost daily for awhile now. I've heard you can do some kind of natural body cleanse to remove the THC toxins that are stored in your fat cells. Is that true? And if it is, is there any kind that is safe to use during pregnancy, that will not harm my baby?

Which lens is better for low light concert photos?

I have a Canon D40 and also a Canon EOS XSi I currently have a 24-85 3.5-4.5 USM zoom which I use all the time close up and it works great. I also have a Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM which I cant seem to get good low light photos with. I was researching and the concensus seem that I should get a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM and it should do well in low light I am willing to fork out the bucks if it will work as good as they say Please help?

Canon Rebel! What one to get?!?

k so i dont want anything over 800. But i dont get the difference between the cameras. There is a EOS Rebel xsi is for around 700 than the Rebel t1i d-slr for around the same price! help!

How do you take a good picture in stadium lighting?

I have a Canon Rebel XSi and need to be able to take pictures in a stadium but with a really fast shutter speed since it will be at a track meet. How do I do this?

One more camera question...?

So I've changed my mind on the type of camera I'm getting. It's between the T1i and the T3 but I'm not sure which one is better. They're both better than the XSi, right? They're just a little bit more and they both have video and the XSi didn't so I'm considering getting one of the others. Which one should I get?

Christians: what in your opinion is the most prevalent issue individuals have to deal with in today's society?

I mean sin issue. Which sin do people struggle with the most these days? And which causes the most harm to society in general?

Can I take the 'Nature's Secret Acai Berry Body Cleanse'?

Hi, I am 14 and I have heard that these cleanses promote a healthy mind and body, and I'd like to try it, I've read over the label several times, and understand the risks.. but I was thinking if I just cut every recommended dose in half, it will do no harm, considering it's all natural? Thanks!

Can Incense harm your lungs?

I've started using incense because they relax me. Will they have the same affects as second-hand smoke?

Canon xsi. why do I always have to shoot at -2/3?

all my out door pictures have to be taken at -2/3 stop or all my out door pictures come out with the high lights blown way out. tried different settings, shoot in TV,AV MANUAL, PROGRAM MODE. ON CLOUDY DAYS THEY COME OUT OK. I use canon L lens makes no differance.

Help! I want a new look for highschool?

I want to change up my look for highschool. I'm 5ft. Athletic build greenish grey eyes and medium brown hair. I'd like to grow out my hair long but I'm not sure what color I want to dye my hair. Any tips? I think I want it darker but what do you guys think. Also any tips about going into highschool. I'm not a nerd or anything I'm pretty outgoing and make friends easily I am also a cheerleader.

Will a ZEISS TELE-TESSAR 250MM F4 LENS fit a canon xsi?

will a ZEISS TELE-TESSAR 250MM F4 LENS| F. fit a canon XSI (XTI) with an adaptor how about a ZEISS JENA SONNAR 180MM F2.8 LENS|

What happened when i was playing terraria??? PLEASE HELP?

I was playing Terraria on my laptop, i have an hp dv6-6167cl entertainment laptop if you were wondering, and my computer went into a shutdown mode saying that it was shutting down to protect my computer from any harm. I think the reason why is because i downloaded something and it didnt download right. The only things i have downloaded are Steam, Terraria, itunes, skype, and mozilla firefox. Please help because i want to play Terraria on my laptop but i also dont want to screw my laptop up

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Camera for surfing photography?

The Rebel XSi is an entry level camera from Canon. It is capable of taking beautiful quality pictures so no worries there. For something like sports photography the AF (auto focus) is a little slow and its burst mode is only around 3.5 fps (frames per second) which means you wont be doing any sequence shots and you are going to have to watch your timing very carefully as appose to a pro camera that can do 10 fps and you are pretty much bound to capture the right moment. Both of the lenses offered are low quality, entry level, third party lenses so while they are usable you wont be seeing the sharpness and ability to represent color and contrast as well as better lenses. Plus the AF is going to be a lot slower in these lenses. And even at 300mm you will be hard pressed to find surfing spots where you can get close enough to the surfer to fill the frame. I find that even at 400mm I often have to wade into the water and still cant get close enough. It does depend on the spot though. Heres the thing with cameras, if you are going to spend money, spend it on the lenses. This setup is fine if you are just starting out and are looking for a cheap way to become acquainted with the gear but you will quickly realize, I think, that you will want both faster, longer lenses, and eventually water proof housings if you are really serious on surf photography. If the gear is in really good shape though, the price seems about right maybe try talking it down a bit. Good luck, the key to great photography is understanding light. Imo everything else comes second.

Should I get the Canon XSi or is there a better digital slr out there?

Nikon D3100 is a phenomenal deal for non professionals, the rest of us people that want to take family and travel shots. I've owned DSLRs since 2004, starting with a Nikon D70 and then moving to D40, D200 and Canon Digital Rebel XSi 12.2 MP Digital SLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens (Black) and Canon EOS 40D 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera (Body Only). Those are all excellent cameras, but this Nikon D3100 is better than all of those in one crucial area, the area that matters: it takes excellent pictures without having to fiddle with the settings between shots.

Can't afford to live!?

Speak to your parents about it. your not a child now and this is what adults face, sit them down explain the problems even mention that self harming if you really have no option...but remember there your parents they wont put you in any harm on purpose mate :)

How do I become confident?

I basically don't have any confidence at all. But I don't walk around all depressed about myself either. I don't think I'm attractive, but I don't care. But the problem starts whenever I start liking a girl. For some reason I'm really picky about girls. They are always really pretty and I have no problems talking to them, I just never think I'm anywhere near good enough to get with a girl like that I so I don't even try. I don't think there is something really wrong with the way I look. I know I'm not the worst looking guy out there but I'm definitely not the best. I'm just your average guy. 17 years old, 5 foot 11 inches, 142 pounds, Hispanic, slightly tan but still light skinned, slightly long black hair (more on the short side but still has some length to it), greenish hazel eyes, decent skin, braces wouldnt kill me but :/. I dress like a normal teenager. Skate brand shirts ( I do skate), skinny jeans ( not too skinny or too loose, just fit) I don't sag, and match well. But im never able to talk myself into asking the girl out on a date. Im always convinced that I'm no good for her. I just can't change the way I think of myself. I've always been like this. and when I talk to other people about it and they tell me stuff to try and boost my confidence I just think they're trying to be nice. I never take compliments from my family seriously, it's like bragging about your mom saying you cool. And yes I know I went on a bit of a rant but it's hard to explain it when I'm not saying it person. And I'm not going to walk up to strangers and ask soooo yea.

Are mirrors really colorless?

I wonder...I once put a hand near the mirror and I saw that the color of the reflection was not the actual color of my hand. It was more greenish. I did it again with other mirrors and it was always like that. Any explaination?

Will my hamster be harmed?

my hamster is on a high table in my play room and i found 2 earwigs i found them in this bin were i keep all her stuff her treats were sealed in there bags and her food was in a airtight container and nether were harmed(i empty them out and checked) but i have heard from other peoples questions that they can eat my hamster alive and lay eggs on her. is this true?will she be harmed?and how can i get rid of them? they do freak me out so nothing were i have to touch them please thanks for all your help

Why does my flash on my camera do this?

This is just the internal flash im talking about. Only sometimes, when I use my flash, it "stobes" before it will take the picture. I cant ever get good shots when I use the flash because it goes off so many times before it will take the picture that whoever im photographing, makes funny faces because the flash is going off so many times before the photo is even taken. What is goin on here? I use a Canon xsi

How can i tell if i have a infection?

i fell asleep in my dorm and a couple of guys shoved a glass test tube up my **** and when i stood up it broke . its not bleeding anymore and the our pledge scooter got most of the glass out. but my *** is like turning black and greenish and im in constant pain and when my girlfriend was giving me a rim job i lost controll and **** on her face :/

How do I turn on the date stamp feature on my Canon EOS Xsi?

I cannot find the answer in my owner's manual, but am sure this feature should be present on this camera. Thanks for any advice.

Camera for surfing photography?

Personally, I think the best surfing photos are made with super wide lenses. The camera would work, but I would look at getting a 10-22mm or wider lens.

HELP! honest answers please?

okay i was wondering if i am attractive or not... im 17 i weigh 97 pounds i am 5'6" but i don't look disgustingly skinny. i have greenish blue eyes, white teeth, wear a size zero and my bra size is a 32C right now. i have blonde hair... i always get told i am really pretty by a lot of people and that i should model.. do you think i sound attractive or not?

What should i do?! help bullying problem!?

They call me a pig. None of the boys look at me. When I was in school today, all the other girls looked so good, with their long hair and pretty faces, skin like angels, and then there was me. Nobody knew my name. They just called me "fat". They didn't say "haha, she's a fat girl!", no no no. They made "fat" my name. People would say "excuse me, Fat, can I borrow a pen?" just like people would say "excuse me, Jack, can I borrow a pen?" it made me so angry. One day I just decided I wasn't going to take this any more. The bully of the school, a pretty girl named Stace, approached me, called me "hippo" and shoved a huge Dairy Milk chocolate bar in my face. I exploded. I shrieked out "I've had enough!" and hit Stace in her jaw as hard as I could. I thought this would be a break from the bullying, but it wasn't. Suddenly, a swarm of about ten boys ran up to me, screaming names like "Gorilla!" and "Elephant!" I just broke down and started to cry. Then the school tough guy, LLoyd, helped Stace up, took one look at me, and slapped me, I wailed out, and then everyone shouted "the whale is calling!" and a boy said "even a whale wouldn't **** that!" I cannot explain how much this harmed me. I ran home. School wasn't over, I just didn't know what to do. At least 5 people chased me, and they caught up with me. They just followed me to my house, screaming abuse at me, while I was crying. Everyone was so heartless. People threw dirt at my house. Just now, I got a text message with two pictures attached, one of me and one of a gorilla, saying "who's who?" as the text. I'm just going to end it all. I am tired of this!!!!! I hate how the media portray skinny girls to be beautiful!!!!!

My father is emotionally abusing me. I need help ! !?

You should get the police involved, especially since he threatened to shoot you and your grandmother. I'm sorry you're going through this. I can't imagine living like that everyday. Please call the police and get some sort of help before he really does hurt you two.

Shooting with the automatic flash on Canon Rebel XSi in terrible lighting?

I'm a yearbook photographer shooting the middle school dance where all lights are off and everyone is dancing. I've found that I tend to get a lot of just black blur and I know there has to be a setting that can make it easier to photograph in this light. Any tips on settings I can use?

Is pale skin gross...?

I think pale skin is beautiful. It's much more attractive than tanned skin. That's just my opinion though. :]

Which Canon DSLR should I get?

I'm in the exact same boat as you. I'm considering the T1i or XSi, but still debating, lol... Good luck to you!!

What effect would you get if your 2.0 litre peugeot 306 xsi was fitted with a?

I would think it would "strangle"it by not matching the signals from the ECU,but I might well be wrong as it's not a normal occurrence

What's the point of life?

I know everyone says I am so young being only 14 and all, but i don't get what the point of life is anymore . Life sucks I am stressed out all the time and depressed .I know I have made some bad decisions (cutting and eating disorder ) but that's because that's all I have to do in life . I have no life and no one likes me . My parents are hurting because I am hurting which really sucks . All I want to do is cut . My only friends are my therapist and doctors . I know that I don't have the worst life considering that I have two parents that love me but do you guys hallucinate , have to take drugs that change you for the worse and make you lose everyone you love , have bipolar disorder at 14 , have an addiction to self harming that you can't stop , and an eating disorder . I am not fishing for complements all I am asking is why is life so damn hard ?

Do I have Bipolar Disorder?

I also do not think this is bipolar disorder. Though I do think you had depression and have come out of it.

Is my belly button ring infected?

I got it pierced about two weeks ago I clean it 3 to 4 times a day with antibacterial dail soap but it's a little red and kinda sore and sometimes when I move it the greenish yellowish ooze comes out but I don't think its puss

My desktop screen keeps fading and loses normal color.?

The screen color fades like to light blue or light greenish shade. And the normal color on screen ,icons tabs and all windows and options very thing fades. Then suddenly the orignal normal color returns n disappear in few seconds. I recently formatted my comp after that on that day every thing was ok but the next day the same problem started dis any hardware issue or jus software problem as it remained okay for one full day on the day I formatted and installed XP and drivers. Thank you cheers!!!

I got green eyes...and how many percentage of the world own green eyes as well?

my eyes is like changing color when the weather is hot it becomes greenish bluish with some brown spots and when its very cold it turns to this normal???what kind of eyes is this?? lol....kinda creepy but had to moved on living...

What traits would my baby get?

I have dark brown hair, pale skin, and dark brown eyes, my husband is blonde, white skin, and light brown eyes. i want to know about genetics because my brother has 2 kids both are blonde, blue eyes and pale skin. no one has had blue eyes since his wife's great grandmother, can she still have the blue eyes gene and both children get it? i want to know this because i want to know if its possible my baby will also have blonde hair, pale skin and blue eyes. my grandfather is blonde, and pale so is my mother. my husband has blonde hair and his father has greenish/blueish eyes. i really want to know cause if it was possible for my brother, is it possible for my baby, do i have more chances?

Religious people, help me out, I still don't get it?

Why do you bother to waste your time on Earth, which is full of discontents and malcontents and imperfections, when you could be up there in heaven, being cradled in the arms of God and amongst beloved friends and family? Why prolong the pleasure? Why seek treatment for illnesses? Why bother to eat or drink or shelter yourself from harm?


Ok, so, I was just sitting there playing a game on my Ipad (the older one, if that makes a difference) and then all of a sudden it starts fuzzing and its like a greenish color. Its really staticy, its like one of those old tv's that have fuzzy, staticy, jagged things. I'm really scared. I cant do anything, not turn it off or anything. none of the buttons work. I tried plugging it in to the charger just to see if it would do anything. nothing. what do I do? is there a way to fix it?

Will this stop me getting past the army medicals?

if theres any overdose in the US its an automatic DQ non-waiverable. i know if i were anyone in the british army i wouldnt want someone like you in my platoon knowing you used to cut and OD. your interviewer also probably wont buy that story. it may sound to a civy ok, but in the military its not gonna fly. and also that lost part is irrevelant and they will not care. 3 years means 3 years. the second you step foot in the office the clock starts and it resets every time you walk in. id rethink a career choice if i were you.

What photography equipments should I get for Prom Night/Dance?

The flash is a good idea, but I would get a faster lens, such as the Canon 50mm f/1.8. You probably don't need the zoom, but getting pix in low light might be useful. As a matter of fact, that lens isn't very expensive and would make a good permanent addition to your collection.

Help finding name of a book!?

I read a book in elementary school/middle school so its probably 4th-8th grade reading level about a girl who lived in a village that seemed like it was in the 1700/1800s. They are grounded to the village by the thought of an animal or something that will harm them, but then a bunch of the kids start getting sick with something like diphtheria or i can't remember and the girl has to travel to find a cure and it turns out they live in the middle of nowhere and it is actually modern times. The parents of the children made a pact to bring them and raise them in a new "world" as to help shield them or something. Yes this is very similar to the M.Night film The Village but is a young adult or children's book. I hope someone can help! Thanks!

Friday, August 5, 2011

What do I do about my friend who always talking about death, harming the body, etc.?

Yes. It seems like she is very obsessed with pain and death and she really should go to see someone.

Question About Intelligender?

We took the Intelligender test & we are looking for people that have took the test & it worked.We did everything it said between 4 and 6 minutes after we took the test it was a greenish but you could still see through it. Within 8 minutes after taken the test it turned to a dark orange & all the green was going to the bottom. We think it was a girl result we are not real sure. We will find out in Aug. it was just for fun!. 10 Pnts for best answer

Would i look good with platinum blonde hair?

naturally, my hair is a medium brown with auburn tones, my skin is a peachy-pale with pink undertones and my eyes are greenish-bluish. would platinum blonde work with afore mentioned coloring?

Who wants to help another teenage wastecase?

Im a 14 year old girl and i just dont know what to do with myself. I suffer from OCD, and bipolar disorder. I have a compulsive need to fit in with my peers. when i look and act like everyone else i feel accepted and i feel like im not different which is good. everyone says you should be yourself and be unique but i dont want to. i want to be just like everyone else. i want to be just another brick in the wall. when i was growing up i dressed like a pollack i had the wrong haircut and the wrong attitude. now i try to be exactly like the typical american teenager. but i cant. i dont have the right body (5'9 and 150lbs) the right hair (i have brown and all my "friends" are blonde). i have this best friend who is part of the popular clique. they let me in their group but i still feel like i dont belong. im not really one of them no matter how much i want to be. im going into freshman year in a school with a class of 1000 and my middle school class had 100. i feel overwhelmed. i cant fit in with 100 people ive known for 8 years. how am i supposed to find friends with 1000 people ive never met. im just a wreck and i cant afford to be like everyone else. i steal clothes that i get compliments on and i steal the makeup that hides my grotesque natural features. i had a self harming problem that i pushed myself through. i drink once a week and smoke a cig biweekly. im a mess. just a mess. i have no where to turn (not even god i dont believe in that ****). i just have to figure out how to whip myself into shape. but i just dont know how. ive hit rock bottom.

Will Republicans in congress have a good chance at getting re-elected if the economy is in the tank?

This is what some Democrats are claiming when they say Republicans are deliberately trying to harm the economy.

Im bein bulled help please?

They call me a pig. None of the boys look at me. When I was in school today, all the other girls looked so good, with their long hair and pretty faces, skin like angels, and then there was me. Nobody knew my name. They just called me "fat". They didn't say "haha, she's a fat girl!", no no no. They made "fat" my name. People would say "excuse me, Fat, can I borrow a pen?" just like people would say "excuse me, Jack, can I borrow a pen?" it made me so angry. One day I just decided I wasn't going to take this any more. The bully of the school, a pretty girl named Stace, approached me, called me "hippo" and shoved a huge Dairy Milk chocolate bar in my face. I exploded. I shrieked out "I've had enough!" and hit Stace in her jaw as hard as I could. I thought this would be a break from the bullying, but it wasn't. Suddenly, a swarm of about ten boys ran up to me, screaming names like "Gorilla!" and "Elephant!" I just broke down and started to cry. Then the school tough guy, LLoyd, helped Stace up, took one look at me, and slapped me, I wailed out, and then everyone shouted "the whale is calling!" and a boy said "even a whale wouldn't **** that!" I cannot explain how much this harmed me. I ran home. School wasn't over, I just didn't know what to do. At least 5 people chased me, and they caught up with me. They just followed me to my house, screaming abuse at me, while I was crying. Everyone was so heartless. People threw dirt at my house. Just now, I got a text message with two pictures attached, one of me and one of a gorilla, saying "who's who?" as the text. I'm just going to end it all. I am tired of this!!!!! I hate how the media portray skinny girls to be beautiful!!!!!

I know its long, but please...i really need help with this, please...</3?

i think your better off with #2. #1 is good for just dating, like going to a dance or football games ,like most 14 year old guys. #2 is a guy that is emotionally mature euf for an actual relationship. however, u have to at least meet someone in person before u decide whether or not they are the one for you. i would stay friends with #2, but continue to date other guys, bcuz u dont wanna be in a relationship that you never get to be a physical part of. for all u know, #2 could be dating girls in australia. ur only 14. u need to focua on the now, becuz if #2 will really be there forever for you, then he'll be there when ur older and can see each other.

My whole toe nail is falling off!?!?

So, i noticed my softball cleats were getting small on me. I kept telling myself I would get new ones but before I knew it the season was over. I noticed during the season that toe started hurting and then my big toe nail become bruised. I knew it was because of the shoes. Then it started oozing brown stuff (it looked like blood, sorry don't mean to gross anyone out) After that it turned greenish. It started becoming detached slowly. Today it is almost completely off. I could honestly pull on it and then it would detach completely. However, I know a new one will grow back but still. What will my toe look like? How long will it take to grow back? Also, how should I care for it? It's the summer and i really don't want to walk around toe-less with sandals. Please help me!

Difference between Canon Rebel XS and Canon Rebel XSi camera?

I am going on a trip to Australia in a few weeks and I am in need of a camera. I am a beginner when it comes to SLR photography compared to my simple digital camera. Anyways, I have been researching the Canon Rebel XS and Camera Rebel XSi and they are pretty similar but a big price difference. I liked the Canon Rebel XSi because it is good for traveling and for spur of the moment pictures, which is what I will be doing for the whole trip. So should I invest the extra money on the Canon Rebel XSi kit or should I just buy the Canon XS kit?

What canon dslr should i buy?

I have a canon rebel xsi.. ive looked at the canon t2i, and the canon t3i is no different really.. I really like the t2i, but someone has suggested the 7d for me. It seems very difficult for my age. I'm really into photography and I'd like to use it as a side career one day. the 7D is expensive, but not as expensive as the 5d mark ii. I only have $900.00 but i'm willing to wait and save.. so it's the 7D with no money left (but a good camera indeed) or the t2i with accessories. I have some lens and a camera bag already and a tripod.. any other body suggestions?

What is better buy? Canon EOS 450D Digital Rebel XTi or Canon EOS Rebel XSi ?

I want to buy a camera somewhere between $400-$600 with good video footage,quick shots,view finder...all that. lol. What do you recommend?

I have a canon rebel xsi - and I would like a macro lens and a great telephoto lens for really close up shots?

I have a canon rebel XSI eos 450D. I want a lens for macros, and a lens for telephoto close up, for example Birds high in the trees, Houses in the mountains, moon shots. I have a canon zoom lens ef 75-300 mm 1:4-5.6. what is reasonable to get?

How do I Win Against a Dirty Fighter?

My twin brother fights really really dirty. Fingernails, punches to the balls, even biting, nothing is off limits for him. Its hard to win against a guy like that. And he has no respect for honor or anything. When I have him in a hold and I can see that he's in pain, I let him go, because I'm a nice guy, but as soon as he's free, he attacks me. I took karate for 7 years, but if I beat the living **** out of him, he would go probably go psycho and cause permanent harm to me, or my belongings. He's legitimately crazy, I'm not exaggerating. I'm 16 and about 5"3" and about 120 pounds. Hes a little taller and a little skinnier. And the other thing is that he never showers, so he smells terrible, so whenever I fight him, I feel like vomiting because of the smell. I've been putting up with his bullshit for my whole life, and I'm done with it. What should I do?

Please i need help with paranoia and anxiety and life?

You need to relax and calm down I'm jus like u me and my gf are 17 were getting ready to gt married and she has lied to me In the past but I've forgiven her a million times over so think a out it would your husband want it if u were mulling over this wouldn't he want u to be happy he's forgiven you and now I've got a question fr u is it a good idea to gt married this young I want to talk to u bout it if u will plz email me at thanx but remember move on you'll do fine youll calm down jus relax z d breath listen to your heart and see that heforgives you

Should I get a professional camera or a tattoo?

My birthday is coming up and my mom is giving me the choice between my first tattoo, or a professional camera. (I was thinking a Canon Rebel XSi) What do you think? Pros and cons of each?

Cute hairstyles, I need some helpp.(:?

check out youtube...there's a user on there called ricebunny and she does some of the cutest hairstyle tutorials :)

What lenses should I get?

Right now I shoot armature photography of my family and friends. I want to start getting into wedding photography and am wondering which lenses I should buy. My camera is a Canon Rebel Xsi. I heard a wide-angle is important. Any advice?

Which camera should i buy?

The XS is out of the list! The T1i and XSi are far better cameras. The differences are that the T1i has 15 megapixels, XSi 12. T1i can go up to 3200 iso + boost vs 1600 iso, and the HD video.

Recommended cameras for someone planning on going into visual arts?

I would go with the Canon EOS Rebel T*i series. More specifically the T3i, because it is the newest version, but it is a little bit out of your price range, by $80. My sister has the T1i and I use it a lot, it is easy to use, takes amazing pictures, focusing almost perfectly, and there are many different lenses that you can buy to further enhance your photography experience! Overall it is a really great camera and definitely worth the money.

Canon Rebel XSi (EOS 450D) or Olympus E-520 ?

There are two brands of cameras chosen by professionals all around the world - Canon is one of them, Olympus is not.

What COLOR should i dye my hair?

Okay i wanna dye my hair befor school starts.. which is about two months. I was going to dye it red but EVERY girl has red hair.. :/ . I have black hair , im puerto rican. Brown eyes *getting blue contacts* . But yeah i wanna dye my hair, im thinking greenish/blueish but idk .. advice? Im going to be a freshmen and i dont wanna get picked on for having green hair.

What is the newest version of the canon rebel xsi?

my husbands been wanting this camera for quite some time. i dont know anything about it. i want to buy him one for his birthday, but i want to make sure i get the newest, best one. any help, please? anyone know where i can find a good deal that would include the long lens, etc with it?

Will my eyes turn blue or green?

Hey... I was wondering if my eyes could turn blue or green. Because, I used to have brown eyes, but now, (i asked a lot of people, and they agreed so i'm not going crazy) they look greenish around the edges and are kind of a hazel color. My dad's hazel eyes turned to blue, but will mine? Because no one has green eyes in my family, but my eyes really look green... o.O I think blue is a more chance, i'd be happy with both, but is that possible? lol..thanks

Which of these would you suggest I get (Canon cameras)?

All DSLR cameras are tools that offer control over the image. If you don't want control don't get a DSLR. Simply shooting can be a baffling ordeal as we see on this forum everyday. A compact camera such as a powershot would suite you more.

What color hair feathers should I get?

I have light brown/Carmel colored hair. I have bluish greenish eyes with brown in the middle. I have a tan. I am going to get feathers but I don't know what colors I should get.

What kind of meds can I give my dog for pus infection?

my dogs has an inflammed penis it's red and looks as if greenish pus is coming out of his pee hole I don't have money to take him to the vet and I was wondering could I just give him childrens penicilin?

Exercises for people with sickle cell?

I have sickle cell and because of this i'm not as active as other kids and i've been putting on some extra weight. I asked my doctor about the kind of exercises that I could do without causing myself harm but she wasn't sure and suggested I do some research on the subject. Does anyone know of some exercises that I can do without aggravating my sickle cell that will help me lose weight?

Which dSLR should I buy?

Nikon d5000 or canon t3i. But yeah it's more about the photographer. If a pro gave his camera to an amateur and said if you take better pics than me I'll let you keep it, who do you think would be keeping the camera. Invest in a GOOD tripod because image quality is determined more by sharpness than megapixels (after 6mp). I suggest the manfrotto 055xprob and a 496rc2 ball head. And lenses are also more important than the camera. Good luck!

Why do people assume weed is bad?

There have been studies saying its not in fact it may be good for you im gonna go with that not some random people on the internet saying it will harm me because it doesnt.

Canon Rebel t1i or Nikon D3100?

There's always a Canon vs. Nikon battle. The cheapest camera is probably a Nikon but both are great at taking pictures. They just both take pictures with different lighting effect. EX. Canon pictures taken in the sunlight makes pictures a bluish color and for Nikon its a orange-yellow faddish, but there still beautiful in an artists eye :) Good luck!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do you think people who cut themselves are freaks?

No not at all.....Everyone is different and how they deal with pain and so some people rather cause pain to them self's and suffer rather someone else doing it for them

Okay guys I need a name please?

Okay guys so if you saw a girl walking down the street and she had dark (but not extremely dark) red wavy hair, aquamarine colored eyes. Kind of like a sea greenish blue. She looks like a modern day little mermaid I guess. And she looks kinda like an indie hippie kid who should have been a teenager in the 60s type and she's extremely beautiful. So what do you think her name would be? I'm writing a story and I don't know what to name the main character and right now I'm thinking Autumn cause her mom's a hippie and they both love nature but she loves the sea. Oh yeah and it has to go with Jude cause that's the name of the boy she falls in love with. So tell me what you guys think?

How to change the image quality on a canon rebel xsi camera?

I suppose you already read the user's manual so you know how to set the camera to shoot at maximum megapixels. I assume you are asking how to make your pictures look better. The secret is to give the camera enough (lots of) light. The best way is to study photography.

Can you replace the bottom of a flashes hot shoe if it breaks off?

I have a Canon Xsi Rebel SLR Camera and i have a flash that I can attach onto it. Clumsy me let the flash drop in my purse a few days ago and about 1/4 of the side of the plastic of the hot shoe broke off. This is a bas explanation i know, but the flash does still work, it's just unstable when i mount it on my camera. Is there anyway I can have just that bottom portion replaced?

How should Father dog be treated regarding puppies?

What you SHOULD be doing is calling the vet to spay and neuter your dogs immediately so this never happens again. And keep him away from the puppies - domestic dog males don't play a part in raising a litter and can harm them.

If a Christian believes hell is a real place of injury and torment, then tells a non-Christian they are going? hell, isn't that threatening someone with harm, and isn't threatening to harm someone a crime?

What do I need to consider when buying a digital camera?

The XSi is a digital camera, perhaps you've confused it with another model. If you like Canon you should stick with them, you'll already have lenses, and be familiar with the system. For $500-$700 you could pick used 40D, or maybe a new T2i. On the Nikon side, you could get D3100 and kit lens, or used D90 for about that price. When comparing brands you should think about what you are going to be shooting. Which system is going to offer the best selection of lenses? When you want to upgrade, which system has what your looking for? If you shoot landscapes, Canon's 5Dmk ii has FF sensor and high MP count. Nikon's only competitor is the D3x($8000). If you shoot sports, Nikon has the D3s, FF sensor and 9fps. Browse around on Amazon, look at prices and reviews.

I have to do a photoshoot for a big stadium concert, what extras for my canon rebel will i need?

For my internship i was asked to take photos for an upcoming concert in a large stadium. I'm not sure how close i'll be to the stage and what not but what accessories would i need to ensure good pictures? I'm sure it will be dark with a lot of flashing lights and movement. My current camera is a canon rebel xsi.

I feel as though I don't deserve to eat?

It's kind of hard to explain but almost every time I've had something to eat in the last two or three months I've been getting a really guilty feeling inside telling me that I don't deserve the food in front of me. I think it may have something to do with a deeper rooted feeling I've had for years that I'm worthless and only cause more harm to the world then good, and I would rather just give my food to starving children in Africa and let myself starve since they could probably make better use out of their lives then I will mine. Is feeling this way common/normal? Could it be a symptom of something like depression/anxiety disorder? I've got a lot of other problems making me think I probably have some kind of disorder, but that's for a different question... Sorry for wasting your time.

Buying a new DSLR-- kit or just the body?

I have a Canon Rebel Xsi and I'd like to upgrade to a new camera. I've decided that I want a Canon 60D, but I don't know if I should get the kit lens with it or just the body. I already have 3 lenses (a kit lens [18-55mm], a macro [50mm], and a telephoto [55-250mm]). This kit lens is an 18-250mm, but it has the same f-stop as my other kit lens. Should I spend the extra couple hundred dollars to get the kit lens, or would it be logical to just purchase the body? I'm on a tight budget!

What do you think of this story idea?

I can't really answer, because it seems like only 1/2 the plot is there. Could be good, could be bad. Depends on your writing skills

What colors would look better?

To be quite honest with you I don't like either of them, to me it's just way too much blue. I don't like A because the jacket is blue and then the shirt underneath it is blue and then the beige pants will just throw it off. I don't like option B because everything is blue, if I was you, I'd do B but I'd do a different shirt and maybe a different tie.

What can happen if my dog might have eaten a tampon?

I'm not sure if this is the cause of the problem, but my dachshund is throwing up this greenish, foamy, sticky kind of throw up. He has like 4 or 3 times and I'm pretty sure that's all he's eaten that's inside his stomach. I was wondering if he got a hold of a used tampon or pad, if it's a possibility he has toxic shock. Or could it be something that has to do with age, since he's 7 almost 8. Please help me.

Infected self lip piercing?

Well, the only way you can get the infection to go away is spray band-aid wash and sea salt spray (it is sold at hottopic and on Spray it up to 10 times a day. It will take maybe a week or two. But thats the conciseness of doing it yourself. so either you walk a round with a puss filled lip for a few weeks or go to a clinic/ doctor and have it fixed in a few days and the risk of someone finding out.

What camera setting should I use?

I have a Canon Rebel XSi type camera. I'm going to a high school graduation this Friday, and I was wondering what's the best setting to use. I only know a tid bit about cameras, but I just want to be sure I will get good pictures. Thank you.

My dog had a cut under his arm pit and now i think he has an infection do to fever, puking and bleeding out of?

my dog had a cut under his arm pit about a week ago and we have no money. i used peroxide and triple antibiotic otment and solarcaine spry to help him heal. i seen a thick creemy grayish greenish yellow stuff where his cut was but most all that whent a way as i cleened him 3 times a day. he seemed to have gotten better and now 4 days ago he had a fever and has been pucking. he has not eatin no food and he barly drinks any water. today he puks evey time he driks water and now he is bleeding watering blood out of his but. is it to lat for him? did the infection get to his blood streem? i have called 3 vets in 2 towns nearest me, i asked them to let me make a pay ment plan. i asked them if thay would trat him and keep him untill i got payed on the 3ed of july and i would pay the hold bill. they all denied me. is he going to die on me what elce can i do for him i dont want to loose my dog. he is a 5 1/2 month old pit bull can some one help me. this is my last place i can go for help.

Is image stabilizer necessary? I'm thinking of getting the tamron or sigma 70-300 lens?

i dont know if ur cam has inbuilt is, in case it has it would not be much of a problem. Using is in both cam and lens will oly make the image more blurred, is is not of much use when using a tripod... And never go oly by net revies cos many a time in long run it will not be the same. They usually review it for a day and leave. So ty to get in touch with sum1 who has used the lens u mentioned

I signed up for an open model shoot, but I was wondering if I have a chance of becoming a model?

I'm 5"11, 120 pounds, athletic build, long, wavy, dark blonde hair with a LOT of natural highlights, square face, slightly turned up nose, bluish, greenish, goldish eyes, long eyelashes, big smile, and uhh thats pretty much it. Sorry I have no pics but I tried to describe myself as best as possible. I was just wondering if I have a chance of being selected at this open model shoot (that is where any pre-teen or teen shows up (5"5 or over) and they take test shots and you are either selected or not secected) Thanks for any answers:)

Is it bad to use pc I'n the dark?

Well I got astigmatism and I wear my glasses anyways will using my pc I'n the dark with the brightness all the way up give me glaucoma or harm my vision even more?

What can i do about my 10yr old daughter?at my wits end!?

Sounds like very early terrible teens and at that stage it took me a long long time to learn to turn away and count to ten and then on most occasions ignore her.

Hopeless.. Hurting.. I need some help..?

I have experienced this same situation with minor differences. My parents are divorced and I'm always home alone so it was hard to want to do anything. I also don't have a ton of friends and school was stressful with advanced courses and sports. The way I got over things was trying to feel good about myself again. I tried to get in better shape, do better in school, and be closer to the friends I had. Slowly, I stopped feeling as depressed. You said that you want to study art and music, start doing hobbies that you enjoy and relate to your future. I know, this probably sucks to hear, but you need to make your new future, without this person.